Leverage Robotics Tool Cube assembly set
The Leverage Robotics ToolCubes are automatic exchangeable robot tools to perform multiple tasks on one robot. They expand the possibilities of a simple two-finger gripper by a multitude of options like vacuum gripping, centered gripping of round objects, or magnetic gripping of ferro magnetic objects and still keeping the capabilities of the parallel gripper.
They can be used with a standard robot gripper and are purely passive: a voltage supply or vacuum generation etc. is not necessary. Only the existing gripper jaws have to be exchanged for the enclosed gripper jaws.
The tools can be placed and used anywhere in the work area, thus avoiding unnecessary long travel distances and reducing cycle times. The ToolCubes use minimize set-up times and significantly increase the flexibility of the robot system.
1x 对指尖
1x 单真空抓取器
1x LR-UR 帽座
1x Xtender 抓取器
1x 中心夹具
3x TC-Holder

中心机械手可精确抓取部件,而真空机械手则支持拆箱和移动新部件。 工具盒是一种可自动互换的机器人工具,可扩展双指机械手的应用范围。 它们使用方便,无需额外的电源或真空发生器。 工具盒的使用最大限度地减少了移动距离,缩短了加工时间,并提高了机器人手臂的适应性。